
While in Australia I went out looking for wildflowers but it was too hot to snatch more than a couple. Well, that’s my excuse. All that foliage is a fiddle to draw. I chose simpletons.

I read only one book (and started another):

May Sarton writes in Journal of a Solitude: ‘… we have to make myths of our lives, the point being that if we do, then every grief or inexplicable seizure by weather, woe or work can — if we discipline ourselves and think hard enough — be turned to account, be made to yield further insight into what it is to be alive, to be a human being, what the hazards are of a fairly usual, everyday kind.’

We were given tickets for a dress rehearsal at the Sydney Opera House:

Add a pair of black leather underpants; pop snugly into all four items Teddy Tahu-Rhodes and you have Don Giovanni, Sydney style. Splendido.

Bedside stool

That’s all.

2 responses to “Auscellany”

  1. Hello Mary and thanks for kind words. I dare say the replacement would work, but I wonder if it isn’t the tug toward the mythic that sees us trying to make some golden stuff from the mundane ‘hazards’. We over-reach (or over-imagine, perhaps) in order to attain some more modest goal.

  2. I like the May Sarton quote, Penelope. I wonder if you couldn’t replace myth with ‘story’ which is less grand but surely as true… I love your stories here on your blog.. your drawings too…