… to Pinamar four hours down the Atlantic coast.

That’s taken up the first week in Argentina. We’re doing some good work on our novel, have hired bikes which we park inside at night like two pampered ponies. I’m working my way through Spanish Pastries 1, and Calvin and Hobbes, the Spanish version, for the sake of mi languaje.
Papa! Papa! Donde guardas las pistolas?
2 responses to “From BA…”
Hola, Plen – cari o vuestro descripcion bicicleta (but the online dictionary does not offer up Spanish words for either ‘pampered’ or ‘ponies’). Cual nombrar muchacha por foto? (I’d find this easier to ask in Latin!)
Thinking of you and Elena as your munch your way through those pastries. XX
Oooh sounds like a great time! Have fun!