Could be Canterbury? We were heading a little left of here, towards the marvellous rock faces of Mt Fitzroy. Or is it Fitz Roy? On to the Perito Moreno Glacier. Mesmerising, except that staring eyes eventually were stabbed by needles of snow.

3000 miles to the north it’s warm in Jujuy. I swam amongst demented Alsations, and Jorge cooked our dinner on the asado. Estoy muy feliz.
One response to “Patagonia plus”
Would you believe it? Our son arr. in Chile, near Patagonia ten days ago. He’s part of a small gang of kiwis doing mountain bike trail-building work on an island there. He’s there for three months and then they go to Mexico and then to Portugal .. we are wondering if another overseas trip lies in wait for us in order to suss out another son’s adopted local hood. Have fun!