Before the thunder storm we went to the beach. It was agonisingly beautiful, as ever. The waves were backlit so you could see shreds of seaweed suspended in green before they broke. Since our last visit, the sea had rearranged the sand and all but the most stalwart rocks. Polly was in heaven, which we were glad about since she’s having an operation this week and afterwards will doubtless take to her bed for a few days, quivering with well-earned hypochondria.

Someone should have set up a video camera beside one of the deep little pools that had formed in the lee of the rocks. Polly wasn’t the only dog we saw that expected to go flying through knee-deep water.

3 responses to “Sunday”
There’s a thought, thanks Kay. I’d love to have a vocation that kept me scavenging beaches for a year or two. WordPress has actually squashed the seaweed sideways — perhaps that adds to its charm, R.
AdORable! That look on Polly’s face! Ha! So cleverly captured. Beautiful seaweed sketches – you could add them to the NZ Atlas of Seaweed (and if there isn’t one, that could be a project for you right there).
It was amazing. How does seaweed know how to be so beautiful?